A list of algorithms videos.
- 1.1 Introduction to Algorithms|Characteristics of Algorithm|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 1.2 Algorithm Analysis|Time Complexity Analysis|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 1.3 Algorithm Analysis|Time Complexity Analysis|Example-1|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 1.5 Algorithm Analysis|Time Complexity Analysis|Example-3|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 2.1 Asymptotic Notations| Big Oh| Omega| Theta Notation|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 2.10 Master Theorem|Recurrence Relation|Example-1|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.11 Master Theorem|Recurrence Relation|Example-2|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.12 Master Theorem|Recurrence Relation|Example-2|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.13 Master Theorem|Recurrence Relation|Example-1|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.14 Limitations of Master Theorem Using Examples|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.15 Recursive Tree Method| Recurrence Relation|Example-1|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.16 Recursive Tree Method| Recurrence Relation|Example-2 by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.17 Recursive Tree Method| Recurrence Relation|Example-3|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.18 Recursive Tree Method| Recurrence Relation|Example-4|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.19 Rate of Growth|Time Complexity|Algorithm Analysis|Orders of Growth|Algorithm Design by Nargish
- 2.2 Asymptotic Notation| Big Oh Notation Example|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 2.20 Properties of Asymptotic Notations|Asymptotic Notations|Examples|Algorithm Design by Nargish
- 2.3 Asymptotic Notation| Omega Notation Example|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.4 Gate Question Based on Asymptotic Notations|Big oh|Omega|Theta by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 2.5 Recurrence Relation| Substitution Method Example-1|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.6 Substitution Method|Recurrence Relation| Example-2|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 2.7 Substitution Method| Recurrence Relation Example-3|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 2.8 Substitution Method|Recurrence Relation| Example-4|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 2.9 Master Theorem|Recurrence Relation|Algorithm by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 3.1 Divide and Conquer Technique|Introduction|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta[Hiindi/English]
- 3.2 Quick Sort Algorithm| Divide and Conquer| Quick Sort Algorithm Analysis by Nargish Gupta
- 3.3 Quick Sort|Example| Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 3.4 Merge Sort Algorithm|Divide and Conquer|Merge Sort Algorithm Analysis by Nargish Gupta
- 3.5 Merge Sort|Example|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 3.6 Randomized Quick Sort|Algorithm|Example|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 3.7 Strassen's Matrix Multiplication|Divide and Conquer by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 4.1 Introduction to Greedy Method|Applications of Greedy Technique|Algorithm Design by Nargish Gupta
- 4.2 Knapsack Problem|Fractional Knapsack Algorithm with Example-1|Greedy Method by Nargish Gupta
- 4.3 Knapsack Problem|Fractional Knapsack|Example-2|Greedy Method by Nargish Gupta
- 4.4 Huffman coding|Algorithm|Example-1|Greedy Method by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 4.5 Huffman coding|Example-2|Greedy Technique by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 4.6 Job Sequencing with Deadline|Algorithm|Example-1|Greedy Technique by Nargish Gupta
- 4.7 Job Sequencing with Deadline|Example-2|Greedy Technique by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 5.1 Introduction to Dynamic Programming|What is Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- 5.2 0/1 Knapsack Problem|Dynamic Programming|0/1 Knapsack Tabular Method by Nargish Gupta
- 5.3 0/1 Knapsack Problem|Program|Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta [Hindi/English]
- 5.4 0/1 Knapsack Problem Using Set Method|Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta
- 5.5 Multistage Graph|Forward Approach Using Dynamic Programming|Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta
- 5.6 Multistage Graph|Backward Approach Using Dynamic Programming|Dynamic Programming
- 5.7 Floyd Warshall Algorithm|All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm|Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta
- 5.8 Reliability Design Problem|Set Method|Dynamic Programming by Nargish Gupta[Hindi/English]
- Comparison of Various Sorting Algorithms | Time and Space Complexity of Sorting Algorithms
- Dijkstra Algorithm Example | Single Source Shortest Path | Greedy Method
- GATE 2015 (SET-1)|CS|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2015 (SET-2)|CS|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2015 (SET-3)|CS|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2015 (SET-3)|CS|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2017|Computer Science|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2018|Computer Science|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- GATE 2020|Computer Science|Complete Paper Solution|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- Graph Coloring Problem Using Backtracking | Graph Coloring Problem in DAA
- Introduction to Backtracking | Backtracking Applications | Example | Algorithm
- N Queen Problem Using Backtracking | Backtracking Application | Algorithm Design
- Optimal Merge Pattern | Greedy Technique | Optimal Merge Pattern Example
- Recursive Tree Method for Solving Recurrences | Recurrence Relation | Example-5 | Algorithm 2.19
- Recursive Tree Method for Solving Recurrences | Recurrence Relation | Example-6 | PART 2.20
- UGC-NET|AUG 2016|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|DEC 2018|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|DEC 2019|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JAN 2017|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JULY 2016|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JULY 2018|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JULY 2018|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JUN 2015|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|JUN 2019|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- UGC-NET|NOV 2017|Computer Science|Solved Paper|Data Structures and Algorithm by Nargish Gupta
- What is Dynamic Programming | Steps to Create a DP Algorithm | Dynamic Programming Program